Boiler Service

Best Plumber In Hastings!

Boiler service in Hastings


Boiler Service in Hastings

in and around Hastings TN33 TN34 TN35
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It is very important to keep your boiler serviced, especially if it’s quite old. Your boiler is a risk of increased levels of Carbon Monoxide if it is not regularly checked.

Boilers work very hard in this day and age, and we are often guilty of taking them for granted. As a plumber in I see lots of examples of boilers that have become dangerous or at risk because no one gave them any thought until they went wrong!

I service most Gas boilers but am not qualified to do oil boilers (sorry). There are so many different boilers out there that it would be very helpful if you could have the manufacturer’s manual to hand.

A typical boiler service includes a boiler inspection and the following checks.

  • Gas pressure check to ensure the boiler is operating at the correct gas pressure.
  • A flue test to ensure there are no unsafe emissions from the boiler.
  • Inspect your boiler and controls to make sure they are operating safely.
  • Visually inspect the boiler to check for corrosion and leaks.

Hastings Plumber TN33 TN34 TN35